
Lawmakers are once again under scrutiny for their spending habits as the watchdog group Citizens Against Government Waste recently released its 2024 Congressional Pig Book. This report highlights the alarming trend of wasteful earmarks being directed back to lawmakers’ districts and states, totaling a staggering $22.7 billion in the latest review.

Since fiscal 1991, a total of 132,434 earmarks amounting to $460.3 billion have been identified by CAGW, showcasing a pattern of excessive spending by lawmakers. The group’s report named and shamed some of the biggest offenders this year, including Sen. Lisa Murkowski, Rep. Greg Steube, and Sen. Susan Collins, among others.

One striking example is Sen. Chuck Schumer and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand funneling $1.75 million to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, despite the museum already having significant net assets. Similarly, Rep. Greg Steube allocated $190,000 for a shark repellent study at the Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota, raising questions about the necessity of such spending.

CAGW President Tom Schatz criticized earmarks as a corrupt and inequitable practice that continues to drain taxpayer money. Despite a brief 11-year moratorium, earmarks made a comeback in fiscal 2022, with lawmakers attempting to disguise them as “Community Project Funding.” However, the essence of these earmarks remains similar to the ones seen in previous years.

The report underscores the urgent need for greater transparency and accountability in government spending. While lawmakers may argue that earmarks are essential for funding important projects in their districts, the reality often reflects a misuse of taxpayer funds for personal gain or political favoritism.

Moving forward, it is crucial for citizens to remain vigilant and hold their elected officials accountable for how taxpayer money is being allocated. By shedding light on wasteful spending practices, organizations like CAGW play a crucial role in promoting fiscal responsibility and ethical governance at all levels of government.