
Starting from September 1, 2024, game suppliers will need to obtain a license from the Danish Gambling Authority in order to provide games to operators with a Danish license for betting and online casinos by January 1, 2025. The application process for these licenses will begin on September 1, 2024. The Danish Gambling Authority has released guidance material and new application forms on their website to assist applicants through the process.

Applicants can visit the “Game Suppliers” page under “For Businesses and Associations” on the Danish Gambling Authority’s website to access detailed information about the application process. The materials available include a guidance document on obtaining a Supplier Licence, the main application form (Form 2-06), Appendix A for a Personal Statement (Form 2-02), Appendix B-2 outlining Technical Conditions (Form 2-08), and Appendix C for a Declaration from a Representative (Form 2-04).

In order to comply with the Danish Gambling Authority’s certification program, game suppliers must have their games, platforms, business procedures, and systems tested and inspected by an accredited testing company. This certification is a prerequisite before any games can be provided to licensed gambling operators. A new version of the certification program is currently under development and is expected to be available for review by mid-July 2024, with implementation scheduled for January 1, 2025. Updated standard reports will also be made available at this time.

To streamline the process of managing game certificates, the Danish Gambling Authority will be launching a new portal called the “Games Register” by October 1, 2024. Game supplier applicants will receive login details to upload their information and game certificates as part of their application.

During the transition period, existing game certificates and certifications obtained under the current program will remain valid, eliminating the need for re-certification if a game or game system has already been tested and inspected. However, as of July 1, 2025, compliance with the new certification program will be mandatory. The Danish Gambling Authority advises game suppliers and operators to familiarize themselves with the updated program as soon as possible to ensure compliance.

From 1 September you can apply for a supplier licence: See the application material,, June 28, 2024.