
Nevada is facing a housing crisis that affects both renters and buyers, particularly in the Las Vegas metropolitan area. This crisis is not only a concern for individuals but also for the housing industry itself, as rising prices and slow sales are becoming more prevalent. To address these challenges and foster growth, housing industry professionals and policymakers should focus on Nevada’s growing Latino population, which currently stands at nearly 1 million.

Latinos in Nevada have seen significant growth in recent years, with the number of Latino households increasing sevenfold since 1990. Additionally, the Latino homeownership rate in Nevada has risen from 39 to 52.5 percent during the same period. This demographic represents a key market for future growth, as they are more likely to be in their prime home-buying years and are projected to make up a substantial portion of new homeowners in the coming decades.

Recognizing the importance of Latino homeownership, UnidosUS has launched an initiative to help 4 million more Latinos become homeowners in the U.S. by 2030. Efforts to achieve this goal include working with lawmakers and community leaders in Nevada to explore solutions and opportunities for Latino homebuyers. By addressing economic barriers and providing support for small-business owners and self-employed individuals, policymakers can help make homeownership more accessible to Latinos in the state.

While there are challenges to overcome, such as the lack of affordable housing inventory and stagnant wages, organizations like the Neighborhood Housing Services of Southern Nevada (NHSSN) are working to assist low- to moderate-income individuals and families in finding affordable housing options. By developing affordable housing, offering education on the homebuying process, and investing in neighborhood revitalization, NHSSN aims to create better communities one step at a time.

Looking ahead, the future of Nevada’s housing market will depend on how effectively industry professionals and policymakers can address the needs of the Latino population and provide solutions for affordable housing. By working together and recognizing the opportunities presented by this growing demographic, Nevada can pave the way for a more inclusive and sustainable housing market for future generations.