
Vice President Kamala Harris has put forth a comprehensive housing policy plan that aims to tackle the affordable housing crisis in the United States. With a focus on increasing housing supply, providing financial assistance to first-time homebuyers, and addressing predatory practices in the housing market, Harris’ proposals seek to make homeownership more attainable for Americans struggling with rising rental prices and limited housing options.

Constructing Three Million New Housing Units

One of the central pillars of Harris’ housing policy plan is the construction of three million new housing units during her first term as president. This ambitious goal aims to alleviate housing shortages and create more affordable options for individuals and families across the country. By increasing the supply of housing, Harris hopes to stabilize rental prices and make homeownership more accessible to a broader range of Americans.

To support the construction of these new housing units, Harris plans to establish a new tax incentive for building starter homes that are sold to first-time buyers. This incentive is designed to encourage developers to prioritize affordable housing options and create opportunities for individuals looking to purchase their first home. Additionally, Harris’ plan calls for expanding existing tax incentives for new housing development and establishing a new federal housing innovation fund with a budget of approximately $40 billion. This fund would empower local governments to implement innovative solutions to address housing needs in their communities.

Financial Assistance for First-Time Homebuyers

In addition to increasing housing supply, Harris’ housing policy plan includes provisions for financial assistance to first-time homebuyers. Under the proposed plan, eligible individuals who have paid their rent on time for two years would qualify for up to $25,000 in down payment assistance when purchasing their first home. This assistance is intended to help bridge the gap between rental payments and homeownership costs, making it easier for renters to transition into homeownership and build wealth through property ownership.

The campaign estimates that this down payment assistance program could benefit more than one million homebuyers annually, providing a significant boost to individuals and families who have been struggling to save for a down payment while meeting their rental obligations. By expanding access to financial support for first-time homebuyers, Harris aims to make homeownership a more achievable goal for a broader segment of the population.

Addressing Predatory Practices in the Housing Market

Another key aspect of Harris’ housing policy plan is the focus on addressing predatory practices in the housing market that contribute to rising rental prices and limited housing options. The campaign’s efforts to lower rent prices center around supporting existing legislation aimed at cracking down on policies that benefit corporate investors and major landlords at the expense of renters and potential homebuyers.

One such legislative proposal is the Stop Predatory Investing Act, which would prohibit investors who acquire 50 or more new single-family rental homes from deducting interest or depreciation on the properties. By curbing these types of predatory practices, Harris aims to create a more level playing field for individual homebuyers and renters, reducing the influence of large corporate investors in the housing market.

Additionally, the campaign supports the passage of the Preventing the Algorithmic Facilitation of Rental Housing Cartels Act, a Senate bill that targets companies that enable landlords to collude and set high housing prices through software and price-setting algorithms. By cracking down on these tactics, Harris seeks to protect renters from unfair pricing practices and create a more transparent and competitive rental market.

Impact on Affordable Housing Crisis

Harris’ housing policy proposals come at a critical time for the affordable housing crisis in the United States. With soaring rental prices and a shortage of affordable housing options, many Americans are struggling to find stable and affordable housing opportunities. By focusing on increasing housing supply, providing financial assistance to first-time homebuyers, and addressing predatory practices in the housing market, Harris’ plan offers a comprehensive approach to tackling the root causes of the affordable housing crisis and creating lasting solutions for individuals and families in need.

The National Low Income Housing Coalition estimates that Nevada is nearly 80,000 affordable rental homes short of meeting the needs of extremely low-income renters. This staggering shortfall underscores the urgency of addressing the affordable housing crisis and implementing policies that expand access to affordable housing options for all Americans. Harris’ housing policy plan represents a significant step towards achieving this goal and creating a more equitable and sustainable housing market for future generations.


In conclusion, Vice President Kamala Harris’ housing policy proposals offer a comprehensive and ambitious plan to address the affordable housing crisis in the United States. By focusing on increasing housing supply, providing financial assistance to first-time homebuyers, and addressing predatory practices in the housing market, Harris aims to make homeownership more attainable for individuals and families across the country. With a commitment to creating more affordable housing options and protecting renters from unfair pricing practices, Harris’ plan offers a path towards a more inclusive and equitable housing market for all Americans.