
The Fourth of July celebrations in Southern Nevada were a hit despite the hot weather. The Summerlin Council Patriotic Parade marked its 30th anniversary with new floats and classic favorites like “Stars and Stripes Forever,” “Visions of Candyland,” and “Ferris Bueller’s Independence Day Off.” Over in Boulder City, the 76th annual Damboree celebration included a pancake breakfast and a thrilling water gun fight. Meanwhile, Lake Las Vegas teamed up with the City of Henderson for a spectacular fireworks display that illuminated the night sky.

The Summerlin Council Patriotic Parade was a sight to behold, with colorful floats parading down the streets in celebration of Independence Day. The new floats added a fresh twist to the event, while the returning favorites brought back fond memories for attendees. The parade truly captured the spirit of patriotism and community that the Fourth of July is all about.

In Boulder City, families and friends gathered for the Damboree celebration, which has been a beloved tradition for 76 years. The pancake breakfast provided a hearty start to the day, fueling participants for the exciting water gun fight that followed. Laughter and screams of delight filled the air as people of all ages joined in on the fun, creating lasting memories on this special day.

Over at Lake Las Vegas, the fireworks display was a dazzling spectacle that drew crowds from near and far. The collaboration with the City of Henderson’s Fourth of July celebration made the event even more memorable, as the night sky was lit up with bursts of color and light. Families and friends gathered together to watch in awe as the fireworks painted a beautiful picture against the dark canvas of the night.

Overall, the Fourth of July celebrations in Southern Nevada were a resounding success, with each event offering a unique and memorable experience for all who attended. From parades to water gun fights to fireworks displays, the day was filled with fun, laughter, and a sense of community spirit. As we look back on these celebrations, we are reminded of the importance of coming together to honor our nation’s history and celebrate the freedoms we hold dear.