
Summer has always been a time of exploration for me. It’s a break from the usual routine, a chance to chase after the dreams we had as kids staring out of classroom windows.

What I find truly amazing is how the essence of summer – the freedom, the thrill of new experiences – still manages to make me feel like a carefree 14-year-old. The excitement never fades, no matter how old I get.

Recently, I had the opportunity to live out a dream I didn’t even know I had. A friend, Tanya, told me about Enoteca Maria’s in Staten Island, New York. This restaurant, founded by Joe Scaravella in honor of his mother, started off with Italian grandmothers (nonnas) cooking the meals he grew up loving. The concept was such a hit that it expanded to include grandmothers from all around the world, each sharing their cultural specialties on different nights.

Tanya and I decided to apply to be guest grandmothers at Enoteca Maria’s. We were a cultural fit, having recently lost their Bubby who cooked traditional Ashkenazi Jewish dishes. Before we knew it, we were scheduled to cook on June 14.

As we prepared for our cooking day, we found out that a movie about Scaravella was in the works, featuring stars like Susan Sarandon and Vince Vaughn. The excitement was building up, and we set off for Boston, a city I had never visited before, en route to Staten Island.

The morning of our big day, we were filled with nervous energy and laughter, much like teenagers. We worked tirelessly to prepare for the three seatings, starting at 2:30 pm and ending late in the evening. Despite the long hours, we were exhilarated by the magic of the experience.

Our adventure led us to indulge a bit more than usual, but the way I see it, my body may have felt heavier after the trip, but my soul was soaring higher than ever.

Summer is not just about enduring the heat or sticking to the same old routines. It’s about embracing the spirit of adventure that lives within us, regardless of our age. It’s about rediscovering the joy and wonder that made summers so special when we were young.

In this Long-Life Era we find ourselves in, it’s essential to keep that youthful spirit burning bright. Whether it’s picking up a new hobby, exploring a different place, or taking a leap out of our comfort zones like we did by cooking in a restaurant, these experiences breathe new life into our souls and remind us of the endless possibilities that await us.

So, I challenge you this summer to seek out your own unexpected adventure and awaken that adventurous spirit within you. Remember, the heart of that daring child still resides in you. Make this summer one to treasure, full of fresh experiences, laughter, and unforgettable memories.