
I was raised in a part of Pennsylvania where the steel mills were constantly running, filling the air with a thick haze that made it hard to breathe and see. The noise and pollution from these mills were overwhelming, and it seemed like there was no end in sight.

Heating our homes with coal-burning stoves only added to the pollution problem, and cigarette sales were at an all-time high, with 90 percent of the population regularly inhaling the toxic fumes. The river, once a place for swimming and recreation, was now contaminated with black, tar-like oil, and the only fish left were bottom-feeding catfish.

For decades, this uncontrolled pollution and disregard for the environment continued until finally, someone stood up and said “enough is enough.” The government stepped in and began regulating these plants, forcing them to clean up their act and adhere to strict environmental laws.

Now, many years later, the air is clean, the skies are clear, and the river is teeming with game fish once again. People are able to enjoy the outdoors and live healthier lives, all thanks to the intervention of big government.

It’s important not to let big corporations and the wealthy elite convince you that life would be better without government regulations. I have seen firsthand the damage that can be done when companies are left unchecked, and it’s not a pretty picture.

The 1 percenters and corporations may try to paint a rosy picture for those who support them, but the reality is that we need strong government oversight to protect our environment and our health. So next time you hear someone bashing big government, remember the changes that were made in my hometown and ask yourself if you want to go back to those dark, polluted days.