
Shin Lim, the renowned illusionist and two-time winner of “America’s Got Talent,” will be moving his show “Limitless” from The Mirage to the Palazzo Theatre at The Venetian. The Mirage, where Lim has performed over 800 shows to nearly a million people, is set to close on July 17, but fans can catch his final performance at The Mirage Theater on July 14.

The new venue will offer a larger space and a newly renovated theater for Lim to showcase his magic. Lim expressed his excitement about the move, stating that he has been working on an all-new show and can’t wait to welcome fans to the Palazzo Theatre this fall. The show’s Venetian dates will be available for purchase on their website starting the day after the final performance at The Mirage.

Shin Lim, at the age of 32, took over as the main headliner at The Mirage Theater in 2020, following in the footsteps of the older “AGT” champion Terry Fator. Lim’s success on “America’s Got Talent” in 2018 and “America’s Got Talent: The Champions” in 2019 solidified his status as the only two-time champion in the show’s history.

The president and CEO of The Venetian, Patrick Nichols, expressed his excitement about welcoming Shin Lim and his show to the Palazzo Theatre. He highlighted that “Limitless” will add to the diverse entertainment offerings at the Venetian, with the theater seating up to 5,000 guests. The Palazzo Theatre, which opened in 2008 and was originally home to “Jersey Boys,” has a history of hosting successful shows and will now be the stage for Shin Lim’s magical performances.

Overall, fans of Shin Lim can look forward to an all-new show in a new venue with a fresh color scheme and an exciting lineup of illusions and magic tricks. The move from The Mirage to the Palazzo Theatre marks a new chapter in Lim’s career, and audiences can expect to be amazed by his talent and creativity in the upcoming performances.