
The Clark County School District has been working hard to address chronic absenteeism among students, especially after the pandemic significantly impacted attendance rates. Attendance officer Roberto Molina has been visiting students’ homes to ensure they are enrolled in school and receiving the necessary support to continue their education. Many students were found to be unenrolled due to excessive absences, highlighting the importance of these home visits.

The district’s chronic absenteeism rate rose significantly during the 2021-22 school year, but preliminary data from the first semester of the 2023-24 school year shows a decline. This improvement is attributed to the district’s efforts to centralize resources and support for schools with high chronic absenteeism rates. The newly established office focuses on providing training to schools, increasing communication with families, and conducting home visits to address absenteeism.

Attendance officers like Molina have been instrumental in reaching out to students and families, conducting over 38,000 home visits in the last school year. They are now focusing on contacting students who were withdrawn from school over the summer to encourage them to return. In addition to addressing attendance issues, officers are also providing support to students facing barriers such as bullying or lack of resources.

Despite the challenges of tracking down students in a transient community like Las Vegas, Molina remains committed to making a difference in students’ lives. He shared a heartwarming success story of a student who overcame bullying and is now on track to graduate, thanks to the support he received. Molina emphasized the importance of following up with families and providing ongoing support to ensure students stay engaged in their education.

While chronic absenteeism may not be entirely eliminated, Molina finds fulfillment in the success stories of students he has been able to reach. He recalled a former student who credited him for encouraging him to return to school, get married, and pursue a successful career. These moments reinforce the importance of the work being done to support students and improve attendance rates in the district.