
Former Las Vegas City councilwoman and current Nye County Justice of the Peace Michele Fiore recently pleaded not guilty to charges of wire fraud in Nevada. She appeared at the Lloyd D. George U.S. Courthouse in Las Vegas for an initial hearing where she denied the allegations brought against her. Fiore, who faces multiple counts of wire fraud and conspiracy to commit wire fraud, was released without bail but was warned not to communicate with potential witnesses.

In a statement outside the courthouse, Fiore maintained her innocence and expressed frustration over the accusations, stating that the indictment is an attack on her character. She emphasized her track record of serving with integrity and respect during her time in public office. Fiore also asserted that she looks forward to the truth coming out in a court of law.

The charges against Fiore stem from allegations that she solicited donations under false pretenses while serving as a city councilwoman. She purportedly collected funds to create a memorial statue honoring fallen police officers but diverted the money for personal use, including political expenses and her daughter’s wedding. If convicted, Fiore could face a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison for each count of wire fraud.

Judge Daniel J. Albregts scheduled a status check for Fiore on September 9, with a trial date set for September 24. Both Fiore’s attorney and the prosecutor agreed to expedite the trial process by exchanging evidence promptly. Despite the legal proceedings, Fiore remains determined to assert her rights and have her day in court without delays.

When questioned about possible disciplinary actions by the Nevada Commission on Judicial Discipline, Fiore expressed concern, noting that she had been served with documents related to the matter. The commission oversees judicial conduct in the state and could potentially suspend Fiore from her position as a judge due to the indictment. However, as of now, no formal complaint has been filed by the commission.

Fiore’s legal situation raises questions about the intersection of politics and the justice system. Past cases, such as that of former Clark County Judge Steven Jones, who was suspended and later banned from judicial office after a fraud conviction, serve as a reminder of the consequences public officials face when charged with criminal offenses.

Fiore, a prominent figure in Nevada politics known for her advocacy of gun rights and association with controversial figures like Cliven Bundy, has a complex history in the state. Her current legal troubles add a new chapter to her political legacy, as she navigates the legal process while continuing to serve as a Justice of the Peace in Nye County. The upcoming trial will determine the outcome of the wire fraud charges against Fiore and shed light on the allegations brought against her.